Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

Time magazine's Attachment Parenting Cover Grabbing Attention

Calif. - Time magazine's cover photo options a l. a. mom, Jamie Lynne Grumet, breastfeeding her nearly 4-year-old son.

When the quilt hit the newsstands days before Mother's Day, it instantly sparked head-snapping responses by unsuspecting readers.

In the photograph, the 26-year-old mother is standing and looking out at the camera along with her tank prime brushed aside whereas her son, Aram, conjointly appearance at the camera. Aram is standing on a chair so his mouth is high enough to achieve Grumet's nipple.

Time editors said they revealed the provocative cowl and a story on attachment parenting to embrace the movement for prolonged physical bonding between mothers and their youngsters.

Grumet, who has the face and body of a model, said she was nursed by her mother till she was six years recent.

"It’s extremely heat," she said of her childhood breast feeding recollections. "It’s like embracing your mother, like a hug. you're feeling comforted, nurtured and extremely, extremely loved. I had such a lot self-confidence as a toddler, and that i grasp it’s from that. I never felt like she would ever leave me. I felt that security."

While readers felt surprised by the quilt, Grumet said she was surprised by her sudden fame.

"Oh my gosh!" she wrote on her Facebook page. "Aram and that i are on the quilt of @timemagazine." Her web site on attachment parenting crashed Thursday from an awesome influx of internet traffic.

Time magazine photographer Martin Schoeller shot the photos of Grumet, similarly as 3 alternative mothers who follow attachment parenting.

Source : http://www.ksbw.com/news

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