Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Green Resolutions For The New Years

Since the new years soon realize that some of us, we will not solve our efforts. Many times I have seen people and later decide to break the fasting days, weeks or months, but the beauty of the new year resolution is to remind us to try to improve something in our lives or do project. Is it foolish to ever qualify for the goals.

Writing and promise to honor them only the true meaning of "target" word solidifies, either a long or short. Only if they can not or is not the most important thing, do not try to make us even if we succeed, really. But that's not what some good ideas for a solution in the coming New years as the traditional? I have a list of "green" solution that allows you to take a crack. Any idea came from some of her favorite spots in the next year.

Stop buying bottled water in years - is the former Bond girl Denise Richards, one of the 2012 new years is to buy bottled water at home. Water is safer, healthier and more environmentally friendly, to drink from plastic bottles. I remember I used bottled water all the time. If you have never set foot in a sense, it smells really toxic plastic. I felt that I literally drink water in plastic. And Leach BPA is in the bottle, leave to take one million tons and half of the space in our landfills New  years. Make the switch! You will not regret it!

Stop eating meat per year, you probably are not ready, the plant kingdom. You might think, but only on his favorite food in the water into the mouth of holiday ham or chicken enchiladas account. The move is not 100% vegetarian easy for many people, but can be done. If the mass killing of innocent animals of protest, for health reasons, or maybe see if you can achieve the unthinkable. Whatever the reason for the change in the ecological footprint of the process emissions. If you are not tied to, then you try vegetarian cooking twice a week. Perform a quick search of Google matched for a meal and give it a try.

Recycling Master L'Apertura each the formsnew years  as it feels good to get rid of all your "stuff bags." No need to take a camp mentality, but his life in simplistic ecological lifestyle. If you do not start recycling, it's time to start. Donate unwanted clothing, food, fertilizer and do not worry, cans, bottles or paper products for recycling.

Eco whether to restart the time to shopping  at consignment shops, flea markets, thrift stores. If you do not, I think it's time to get over the mental block "disgusting" to buy second hand. "It is very easy if you buy second hand clothes, but make sure you wash them before wearing. If you buy furniture or household goods, with a clean cloth and a little soap and water. Do not despair.

The best way to get some waste reduction. How do you know what your friends and neighbors to share? Not have a Facebook page for a number of eco-involved and tell you what is available to share in your neighborhood or among friends. The new website is "to share, give away rotation," better things to your friends on Facebook. You can share everything from DIY / garden tools, baby / kids, books, DVDs. Try. It's funny, practical and good for the environment.

Jump reusable bags many times, but it never gets old. The reason is because they are an important part of the eco-conscious message we want to spread worldwide. Send a tip for those who come to the supermarket to "the environment at the heart", because you know what to do if you think they are the reusable bags can be seen. For example to make the public baggage strong and proud!

Spend more time outdoors, a solution for the whole day at least once or twice a week. So many Americans are literally in video games and Internet-TV addict. It's time to peel and go with the natural world that you wait outside. Back to nature and the juice into the electronic abyss New years.

Ditch ALL-toxic cleaners really dedicate to toxic cleaners you have to eliminate. Buy all-natural cleaning, or better yet, make your own cleaners. This year I have so many mixtures of Economic homemade recipe for cleaning the house. Once a skeptic like me, I ask the agency of natural homemade cleaners. Well, the only real way to see if it works, to try it yourself. I guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised. I know I was.

The bicycle more often, let your bike cool off in the garage with the tires and the dust bunnies to destroy. Spring new base at the local bike shop, you can clean and free! Settlement Period, where possible this New years. Many of us have heard about the benefits of cycling in the environment and our health. Make sure you have a good helmet and start the new years cruises!

More needs to be open-minded, it is important to grow and accept how other people to adapt to changes in our society as a set of beliefs and opinions. Sometimes people of faith have a hard time accepting that their actions and background. I think we need a solution to make the lives of people the opportunity and the social stereo-type.

We did talk about why our problems and hope for change talk talk, but what is it? "It's nice to be able to see their concerns about some aspects of the problem, but the change will be a part of the plan. Powerful difference-maker in the city or state. If you do not go as far as a letter to your state law or write to the manufacturer of the processor, make a point in New years. As tough and good at what you think. not just talking about it!

Take our Green Challenge 7-day we come to test for one week, if they really green challenge. Spend one week, seven days Green Challenge us completely and then you tell us!

So we have a toast at the party, New Year's Eve, you can declare, loudly and proudly present one of your secrets Eco-conscious. Family and friends will probably keep him, and maybe up to the challenge. There's nothing like competitive analysis of the friendly New Years. Do you plan to analyze the ideas of our new year, if not, tell us your ideas for a solution, a green New Year's.

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